Download the latest version of the Mini Militia death sprayer mod and enjoy the invisibleness, unlimited Missiles, saw cutters, and machete for spraying death to your enemy line.

Hey Buddy! As seen in the name this is an updated death sprayer mod of mini militia-doodle army 2 and this is for spraying death on your enemies to kill them fast and win the match within seconds.

App PropertyApp Details
App NameMini Militia Death Sprayer Mod
Size43.79 MB
Rating Count3332459
Mod FeaturesUnlimited Missile, Saw Cutters, Machete
GenreShooter Game
PlatformsPlay Store | App Store
DeveloperAppsomniacs LLC
UpdatedYesterday(11:45 PM)
Installs on Play Store3M+
Android Version4.4 and up

Mini Militia Death Sprayer Mod

In this game mode, you have everything unlocked and unlimited and the new feature of this mod is that it gives you the ability to fire unlimited rockets, Saw Cutters, and a machete at once by clicking on the fire button.

By clicking on fire your gun starts spraying all these deadly things that you need the most while enjoying the mini militia game. You have unlimited ammo for rockets, saw rockets, and machetes,s, and the beautiful thing is that you do not need to reload them they can be reloaded automatically.

Mini Militia Death Sprayer Mod
Mini Militia Death Sprayer Mod

To kill your enemies in the fastest way take a simple tip from me that holds the fire button and starts flying with unlimited nitro and starts spraying rockets everywhere and I am 100% sure you will win within seconds.

But here is a thing that you need to care about this mod has no unlimited health because if we add unlimited health in this mod there will be no fun left within the game so be careful and follow my tip of flying to protect yourself from the enemy’s bullets.

Features of Mini Militia Death Sprayer Mod:

Let’s dive into features of the mini militia death mod to get a detailed overview of the game.


Unlimited Rockets:

Only one rocket is enough to make all enemies into pieces and in this game mode, you will get unlimited you for making you win.

Unlimited Saw Cutters:

Sawctters will help you differently when you want to play with the hiding-and-seek strategy this is the most useful ammunition in this because one sawcutter takes many health points away from your enemy.

Unlimited Machete:

Like saw cutter machete is also a good weapon when you are playing strategically this will also give you an edge against your enemy in the game.

Unlimited Mines:

Another brilliant weapon in strategic playing it will help you hide more securely and kill your enemies before they find you.

All store items purchased:

All store items are unlocked in this version and you do not need to spend money on in-app purchases.

Additional Battle Points:

Battle points help you in ranking and if you want to rank higher you need additional battle points to cross your friends on the leaderboard.

7x Default zoom:

The nicest feature that I love in strategic games is scoping which will help you to aim at your enemy from a long range. In this mod, you have 7X zoom which will help you kill your game enemies from a long distance.


According to my observation, this mini militia game mod is helpful in both action and strategic playing in the intensive multiplayer battlefield of mini militia – Doodle Army 2. So, Download the latest Death Sprayer mod uninstall the previous mini militia mod, and get into new grounds.